Rohingya Crisis

Almost one million Rohingya (an ethnic Muslim community from Myanmar) were forced from their home due to ongoing persecution and military attacks, and have been living in overcrowded camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, since 2017.

Over 750,000 people fled from their homes to Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. There are now over 920,000 Rohingya living in the camps.

Camp Residents After The Fires. Photo: Caritas Bangladesh

Your donation can…

Provide awareness messaging sessions surrounding topics such as Gender Based Violence, Child marriage, and de-escalating tensions.

Provide psychological support, first aid, and protection to the most vulnerable.

We have been working with Caritas Bangladesh and Catholic Relief Services in Bangladesh to support Rohingya living at the camps at Cox’s Bazar.

Caritas Bangladesh launched the BareFoot Counsellors Project in Camp 4 and Camp 4 Extension, two of the 32 camps. The project aims to provide protection and support for those living in these camps. Staff and volunteers run home visits and protection-based awareness training, and work to eliminate genderbased violence.

Slavery, Human Trafficking, and Migrant Exploitation

Slavery and the exploitation of people for profit are elements of our economic systems that have existed for centuries and continue to thrive today. Currently, there are an estimated 50 million people enslaved across the world.

We are a part of the Modern Slavery and Labour Exploitation Advocacy Group - a group established in 2019 to foster cross-sector collaboration to address the root causes of exclusion and exploitation effectively. We continue to support the campaign for legislative action in Aotearoa New Zealand to overcome these practices. We are also proud to be part of the Walking Together Aotearoa New Zealand Group, which seeks to raise awareness about the prevalence of and solutions to trafficking throughout the faith communities in Oceania.

We are welcoming migrants and refugees in a number of ways, through events such as the annual Day of Prayer for Refugees and Migrants, ongoing funds for the Rohingya Appeal, and advocacy against migrant exploitation in Aotearoa New Zealand.

We invite you to join us in encountering our neighbors to welcome, promote, protect and integrate.