Will you join our mission to support ‘thriving lives’?

Fiji: Farming for the future

Tutu Rural Training Centre in Tavenui, Fiji helps to provide enhanced health and wellbeing, and stronger, more diverse, and resilient livelihoods among rural men and women.

Kiribati: Healthy lifestyles for the community

Our Kiribati partner Teitoiningaina (the Catholic Women’s Association) is supporting Kiribatian families to hold community awareness events and trainings on good nutrition and food preparation using local sources.

Timor-Leste: Supporting women in leadership

Hamahon Feto Timor (HAFOTI) empowers Timorese women to have greater financial independence in one of the worlds poorest countries.

Solomon Islands: Empowering women through education

Solomon Islands Association of Vocational and Rural Training Centres (SIAVRTC) works with local women to strengthen rural training and education through sewing and finance training.

Meet Judy

Judy is the Caritas Coordinator for the remote and mountainous Kundiawa Diocese in Papua New Guinea. She works with many people who do not receive Government services, aren’t taught basic hygiene knowledge, and don’t have access to washrooms. Access to secure bathrooms and hygiene facilities is crucial to achieving gender equality and reducing violence against women. 

Judy’s vision for her work is to see girls and women live an improved and positive lifestyle.

With your help, Judy and her team will continue their transformative work, and together we can support ‘thriving lives’. 

Your support will change lives …

11,300 people upskilled through Health and Nutrition Awareness trainings run by Kiribati Catholic Womens Association across 28 schools.

2,855 people trained through HAFOTI, promoting financial independence through education and agriculture training.

1 Quadbike, 3 motorbikes funded for Tutu Rural Training Centre, Fiji, to provide agricultural training for 1,300 young farmers.